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Benefits of living with happiness (FAIDA YA KUWA NA FURAHA)

Dear ; To day gammaLOVE we bring for you the benefits of having happiness and how related with health.
 Bloodline every one want to be happy, and benefit are clear plentiful, others find their happiness from watching sunset, or spending time with good. MEDICAL CONCEPTS show us how happiness related with our heath,(Happiness protects your heart,Happiness strengthens your immu
ne system...  also bible says that  PROVERBS 1;17;22 A cheerful heart is good medicine how could have cheerful health without being happy, finally we conclude by saying that happiness is good medicine. to day gamma love we want to show you how medical concepts express on how happiness may lead to good health.

THE followings are the benefits of being happy.

1. Happiness protects your heart

love  and happiness may not actual originate in the heart,but their good for it. it has been noted that people who loved and those with happiness have better blood pressure while vise-versa  is true for those who are unhappy

2. Happiness strengthens your immune system

happiest people are less susceptible to sickness be cause the one with high positive emotion have twice high antibody respond to the vaccine which is a sign to robust immunity. happiness seemed to be working in cellular level

3. Happiness combats stress

Stress is not only upsetting on a psychological level but also triggers biological changes in our hormones and blood pressure.

Happiness seems to temper these effects, or at least help us recover more quickly.

4. Happy people have fewer aches and pains
Want to learn specific, research-tested steps you can take toward happiness? Check out our new site, 
     Unhappiness can be painful—literally
It has been suggested  that positive emotion also mitigates pain in the context of disease. Women with arthritis and chronic pain rated themselves weekly on positive emotions like interest, enthusiasm, and inspiration for about three months. Over the course of the study, those with higher ratings overall were less likely to experience increases in pain.

5. Happiness combats disease and disability

Happiness is associated with improvements in more severe, long-term conditions as well, not just shorter-term aches and pains.
In the same year found that women with breast cancer recalled being less happy and optimistic before their diagnosis than women without breast cancer, suggesting that happiness and optimism may be protective against the disease.
As adults become elderly, another condition that often afflicts them is frailty, which is characterized by impaired strength, endurance, and balance and puts them at risk of disability and death.

6. Happiness lengthens our lives

In the end, the ultimate health indicator might be longevity—and here, especially, happiness comes into play.
The authors cite studies showing that positive emotion lowers the risk of death in people with diabetes and AIDS, but actually increases the risk in people with metastatic breast Cancer, early-stage melanoma, and end-stage kidney disease. That increased risk might be due to the fact that happier people under report their symptoms and don’t get the right treatment, or take worse care of themselves because they are overly optimistic.

(c)2017 gammaLOVE... the love of humanity

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